
Leadership coach

Family man

Football fan 

Dog lover


I'm Jason


I'm a hardworking entrepreneur and a dedicated family man, serving as a leader in both aspects.

I have a strong interest in personal leadership and take complete accountability for my work and its impact as an entrepreneur.

Rather than living to work, I work to live and highly value my time.

My true passion lies in empowering individuals, teams, and businesses to reach their fullest potential.

With over 25 years of experience in Learning and Leadership, I have always been committed to personal growth and self-awareness. It's an integral part of my daily life, both at home and in my professional endeavors.

The boundaries between work and personal life continue to blur, and I firmly believe that the strategies, skills, and mindsets I've taught in business are essential for everyone, not just business leaders.

Living in a blended family with five teenage kids, an Irish wolfhound, and four demanding cats, I have faced numerous challenges that have put my own teachings to the test.

I am excited to share my extensive knowledge and experience with you and your company.




I have over 15 years of experience in designing and delivering Leadership programs, employing a coaching, empathetic, and empowering approach.

I firmly believe in hands-on solutions, utilizing concrete tools that foster commitment to experimentation and driving change among participants and their organizations.

Throughout my career, I have collaborated with numerous companies across various industries, primarily Nordic or global companies, delivering impactful Leadership Programs tailored to their specific needs.

I have successfully designed and executed Leadership programs and comprehensive portfolios for both leaders and experts. Additionally, I possess the ability to scale my work with partners such as BoMentis and The Nordic Leadership Network, depending on the requirements.

If you're interested in learning more about my services for your business, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.



I get my inspiration and my life lessons from the conscious choices I make every day!


At Leading Light, my mission is to share leadership insights that inspire self-reflection and empower individuals to make conscious choices that lead to happiness.

In our fast-paced lives, we face numerous demands on our time and energy. Juggling multiple roles and aspirations at home and work is common.

I firmly believe that personal leadership is the key to success. Each of us is unique, with different priorities each day. Only we truly understand what it takes to become the best version of ourselves.

Just like the safety demonstrations on planes, where we are advised to put on our own mask first before assisting others, prioritizing our well-being is crucial. By leading our lives effectively, we can give our best to others both personally and professionally.



A Brit in Finland


I'm originally from Manchester and a devoted Manchester City fan.

The teamwork and leadership coaching required for the team to excel inspire me as much as the game itself!

I have a deep passion for expanding my knowledge of leadership and personal growth.

My bookshelves are filled with books that I have genuinely read, and I continuously enroll in new courses to enhance my abilities as a coach, facilitator, and leader.

On top of my 25 year business experience and being a ICF- certified coach, I am currently learning the art of Enneagrams and Empower coach course including Personal Power, Dream Builder, Relationship coaching, Systemic coaching and Purpose coaching with Colleen Joy.


"Jason did a great job of keeping engagement by breaking up the training between teaching and interactive activities."

- Customer feedback

"The training sessions were highly effective as they combined both theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on experiences. Jason demonstrated a strong mastery of the subjects he presented." 

- Customer feedback

"Jason delivers consistently high quality training, what distinguishes him from many others is his hand-on approach & application of theory to everyday work."

- Customer feedback


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